I'm @timbigfish on Twitter. I've met some cool people there. We've shared a few ideas. And I've learned a little. It's fun. But I can use my social reach to do something that matters. You
can, too. It's easy. All you need is love.
In early 1967, the Beatles were asked by the BBC to take
part in what would be the first-ever, live global television link. 26 countries
would participate. To mark the occasion,
the Beatles were asked to write a simple song that would be understood by
viewers of all nationalities. John’s “All You Need is Love” emerged as the
obvious choice. The song was not only musically and lyrically uncomplicated but
also it perfectly captured the aspirations of international youth in the summer
of 1967.a
John liked advertising and was fascinated by the power of
slogans He was determined to create something timeless. And he did.
Beatles’ manager Brian Esptein said, “The nice thing about
it is that it cannot be misinterpreted. It is a clear message saying that love
is everything.”
So what’s this have to do with my 5000th tweet?
Well three things. Two of which you may have to do with how we promote ideas and
one that will use our shared experience to raise money for women’s heart
health. All you have to do is read and click (no money required). Here we go:
1. Keep it Simple – To my fellow artists, our goal isn’t
to prove how much we know about our “instrument” but how well we use it to
connect with others. Use what you know to create a message that cannot be
misinterpreted. People like clarity.
And it starts with this,
2. It’s About Them – To brand leaders, whatever John’s
motivation, the song worked because it captured the aspirations of those who
were buying his records and through it’s simplicity connected with new
audiences. In the social era of business, people want to see if your “why” and
their “why” are aligned. So ask yourself, “Am I focused on what I want? Or,
what my audience wants?” Know their heart and you’ll win it.
So, why is this the subject of my 5000th tweet? The
third thing:
3. Doing something together – to my friends on
Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, We’re not 26 countries but we all want to see
the power of our connections do something that matters. We’re not here for
validation. We’re here to share ideas and help one another do something that
matters. Let’s use our clicks. Like
My friends at Bigfish and I will donate $10 each up to $1,000 total to raise awareness of women’s heart disease at www.goredforwomen.org for each unique user who tweets, likes, shares, or comments on this message between now and October 5th.
Use the Facebook Like or Send, Tweet, or Google Plus found on the left side of this webpage (when on the Bigfish site). It'll help us measure our progress. Then, we’ll do the giving.
John said it best, “It’s easy. All you need is love.”b
a. A Hard Day’s Write by Steve Arnold
b. All You Need is Love video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4p8qxGbpOk